Thursday, October 25, 2007

2 Jobs and an Internship!

I knew this blog thing was going to be hard to keep up with … thank you to my devoted readers (if there are any) and thanks to all who have left me comments, its nice to know someone else besides my mother is reading this!

Anyway, I have been meaning to update my current employment situation. I found myself with a very full schedule all of a sudden, which is part of my excuse for the late entry, but has truly eaten up the hours of free time I was enjoying while unemployed.

When moving here Mike and I had budgeted that I needed to start bringing in income by December and most likely with just a part-time job. This would allow me to spend time pursuing acting - what I’m really here for. For the first few weeks I was here I browsed craigslist casually, being very specific in my searches. My main goal was to find another “glassybaby job”, meaning that it would be a work environment that would allow me to go on daytime auditions when needed, etc. (ps: glassybaby folk - I miss you!) From my searches I came upon a few interesting jobs and sent in my resume. Around the same time that I started hearing back from the prospective jobs, my friend and former teacher from UW, Jeffery connected me with his talent agency over here. He suggested that I apply to be an intern a few days a week to have the chance to learn first-hand about the acting world over here as well as make some great connections.

I went on a few interviews for jobs and also interviewed at the agency … within two days of each other I was offered the internship and two of the jobs! The internship, while unpaid and only for a few months wanted me to commit to three full days per week. One of the jobs I was offered is for a high-end babysitting agency that is contracted in to all the upscale hotels in Manhattan. They pay very well for babysitting and their clients are all high-end guests looking for sitters to take their kids to the museums, zoo, etc. while they go out on the town. I accepted this job right away since it is based on when I’m available to work. I tell them my availability on a weekly basis and they book me for jobs only in those times. This will be a great job to do around all my acting commitments.

The other job was an assistant to a textile company in mid-town. I was really drawn to this job because of the similarities it has to glassybaby. It’s a small company with only a few employees, all of whom seemed really great. They seemed willing and understanding of my need for a flexible schedule, however they were also hoping for at least three full days a week and I knew I shouldn’t pass up the internship since it was directly related to acting.

I finally made the decision to take the internship and let the textile company know I was very interested in them as well, but could only give them two days a week until after the holidays. Amazingly… everything worked out! The textile company offered me the job at two days a week with the possibility for full time when I finish the internship!

So I am at the end of my first full week of all my jobs and second week of the internship. Although both Mike and I are very tired, we both know we are working hard towards our goals. Speaking of being tired, I should really get to bed and this blog is long enough for now. I will go into more details about how the jobs are going shortly, I promise! In the meantime, enjoy some pictures of the one in our family who gets plenty of sleep … Zoka!


  1. Congrats! Though not as descriptive as your blog, I can tell that Mike is also doing well from the picture of crunchy cheese and an energy drink he posted on his Facebook. :)

  2. Elisa! It sounds like you are doing amazingly! I'm glad to hear about your jobs and everything! It sounds totally crazy but awesome at the same time! Love ya!! -Lauren

  3. Wait... you're working TWO jobs PLUS an internship? You really are insane. ;-)

    Glad everything's going well in NYC. Let me know when you get your first Broadway gig so I can fly out to see it!
