Well it has now been over two months since I last wrote on this blog. I apologize to those of you who were keeping up with my entries and have been left hanging the past few months. I’m going to do my best to re-cap all that has happened since my last entry.
For Thanksgiving my dad and brother flew out to NYC and both stayed at our cozy little apartment. We went to my cousin’s house in Cranbury, NJ for Thanksgiving Day and had an enjoyable time spending a holiday with my Dad’s side of the family for a change. There were about 14 of us in all including my grandma, aunt and uncle, three cousins, my great aunt and uncle, and some of my cousin’s family from the other side.
The day after Thanksgiving, Daniel, my younger brother came down sick with a really high fever. This was actually the third time in a month he had been hit by a fever and so after a day of trying to fight it, he went down to the ER of the hospital which is luckily down the street about a half mile from our apartment. They admitted him since they were unsure of the cause and he was severely dehydrated. He was scheduled to fly home the Monday after Thanksgiving but ended up not getting released from the hospital until the following Friday. Luckily, my Dad was also in town and extended his stay as well, since he spent every day at the hospital with Daniel. He is much better now and what the doctors finally concluded was that he had a bacterial infection in his throat that then went and attacked the tissue around his heart. Because he is young and healthy the doctors said his body was able to fight it off fairly well and with the help of antibiotics he felt almost back to normal when he flew back to North Dakota and went back to school. Unfortunately for both him and my Dad, all of their plans for their time in NYC were left undone. Daniel did get one day after he got out that he was able to go to a Jazz club in Manhattan and my dad stayed through the extra weekend and we went and saw Les Miserables. Although I had just seen it a month earlier with my mom, quite a few cast members had changed already and the woman playing Fantine was actually the original Broadway’s Cosette. Being that it is my Dad’s favorite show and he’s never seen it live on stage, we both had a very enjoyable time.
Right after my Dad left we were visited by some new and very unwelcome company … MICE! We built two gigantic IKEA closets in our apartment that we use for our everyday clothes and so the one closet that is part of the apartment is used for storage and holding our dress clothes and jackets. After opening the door and seeing a mouse jump out of a pocket one morning we immediately called our landlord and he brought us some mouse traps. (The ones that are a piece of banana flavored cardboard that the mice get stuck to.) After leaving the traps in the closet for a few days and catching quite a few mice, we realized we needed to empty out the closet and figure out how they were getting in. The four or five hours we spent cleaning out the closet were the most disgusting five hours of my life! The mice had basically had a field day in our closet and pooped and peed on EVERYTHING!!!! We filled two garbage bags of clothes that had to be dry-cleaned and another bag and half of clothes that could be washed and dried. We had to wipe poop off of everything and even throw some things away. Once again, we are very fortunate to have gotten a good landlord who paid the $250 dry-cleaning bill. The exterminator came and left a bunch of poison and told us how we had to cover the holes the mice had chewed in our closet. The whole mice ordeal lasted at least two weeks and in that time we caught, and poor Mike had to dispose of, a total of six mice! Since all this happened during Mike’s law school finals, I had to be brave and fill all the mouse holes myself. Mike will tell you that I went crazy, but I was determined to make sure no mice ever chewed through into our apartment again. In all the holes and cracks I stuffed steel wool, then super glued a piece of cut-out pie tin over it, and finished it off with a layer of duct tape. Since then we have not seen any more mice or their droppings. We did for a little while hear them clawing inside the walls trying to break through, but so far my barricades seem to be holding up!
Mike made it through his first semester of law school and survived a very long two weeks of finals. He is still awaiting his grades for the semester but feels as though he did all right, especially considering he is in the upper sections and all the classes are graded on a curve. Both of us were very much looking forward to our Christmas break and coming home to Seattle.
We flew back to Seattle and once again, brought Zoka on the plane with us. The waiting at the airport and the flight itself were not a great experience and we have decided that in the future we will have him put underneath the plane or pay to have him boarded while we are gone. Once we finally made it to Seattle everything was great and we had a wonderful holiday with both our families celebrating together up in Bellingham. After Christmas we tried to see as many people as we could down in Seattle but have realized just how hard that is and that next time we will try to plan our time a little better. So if you didn’t hear from us or see us while we were in town, we really apologize and hope to see you next time we come for a visit!
I have done my best to recap the past few months of our adventures and promise to go back to writing at least every two weeks. My internship is over and I’m now working part time, taking dance classes, and actually going on quite a few auditions each week. But I now have a little bit more time to write in my blog and promise I won’t leave you in suspense this long again! Thank you for reading!!!!!
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