Saturday, September 29, 2007

After a Few Days...

Well I have officially spent four full days as a New Yorker! During this time I have walked A LOT and I mean A LOT(!), been to Times Square twice, gone shopping in Mid-Town, un-packed a fair amount of my stuff, ordered and received groceries from the online grocery store, cooked dinner in our INCREDIBLY small kitchen, figured out which way to exit the subway station without having to look at the signs, killed a cockroach (with spray of course & Mike still had to clean up the body), saw a rat in the subway, AND had my first NYC audition!

Yes, after today I feel like I have officially become a NY actor. I spent all day at a workshop/audition at Actor's Connection for Film & Primetime Agents and Casting Directors. It was a long day and I felt like I learned a lot, especially like what areas I should take some classes in. I'm planning to go over my "game plan" with Jeffrey next week, but I definitely feel I need to take some on-camera classes to help make the transition from musical theatre to screen acting. Two very interesting observations from the day are how subjective CD's/Agent's opinions are (one hated something while someone else would love it) and how blunt they are (had no problem telling people when they hated something about them). Luckily none of the 'hate' remarks were given to me, phew! Overall it was a great way to springboard myself into action!

Zoka is adjusting well I believe, he gets really over-stimulated when he goes out for a walk, but who can blame him?!? He's also figured out that due to the lack of grass dogs just stop to poo and pee on the sidewalk, although I still find it awkward and try to drag him to a tree at least. Yesterday we got up early and walked to Prospect Park (about 7 min away on foot) and went to the off-leash area. It was a dog mecca! I've never seen so many dogs all gathered in one place! Next Saturday morning we are taking him to the park for the monthly "Coffee Bark" which I'm expecting to be like Doggy Disneyland... I'll let you know!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so glad that you got there OK, and that Zoka survived the plane ride! My right arm was sore for two days just from throwing the ball for him the day before you left. Yeesh, I feel like such a wimp...
