We sink into the couch with belly’s full of sweet potato fries, white bean salad, puttanesca pasta, sweet bread and caramels dipped chocolate. And this, ladies and gentleman, is only the beginning. What causes this all-American gorge fest at the New York Pope household? The much anticipated Brooklyn Trader Joe’s finally opened their doors today. And like good TJ fans, Elisa and I were there with bags in hand and our old grandma push cart, named Wilma (image below), by our side.
While previously using the Manhattan store, the new TJ’s is located 3 blocks from my law school in Brooklyn. The new stores marvelous renovation was done inside an old style bank building. The shelves were stocked to the brim with amazing foods at amazing prices. After over an hour of fighting crowds, dodging kids, and filling out cart to the brim… we checked out and started home.
Elisa and I made it home in one piece. However we are sad to report this may have been Wilma’s final voyage. She held up well, like the little champ that she is, with well over $200 in delicious can goods aboard. Yet, with a mere three blocks under her belt, Wilma’s left wheel buckled under the immense weighed pressure of enough TJ’s food to feed a small army of raccoons. “Man down… man down,” Elisa proclaimed (seriously!) as the cart crashed to its side. After composing ourselves, Elisa and I were able to jimmy up the broken axle and continue home. Elisa proudly proclaimed a little duct tape will put Wilma back together. On the way back, we lost the wheel about 5 more times. Yet, we made it home.
Thus, we gorge ourselves tonight of the sweet nectar that is Trader Joe’s food. We eat not for nourishment. Not for enjoyment. Not for necessity. Tonight, we eat for Wilma. God speed little cart.

So what happened to Wilma? Did she get tossed in the dumpster?