Monday, September 1, 2008

Watch for me on the Rachel Ray Show: Mon Sept. 8th

Last week I got paid big bucks to be part of the "audience" for the Season Premiere of the Rachel Ray show which will air next week. I can't give out the details of the episode but look for me riding around on top of the double decker tour bus throughout the episode! It was a loooooong day (10 hours of filming) but I was getting paid and got to meet some fun people and spend the day driving around the city.

The show airs next Monday, September 8th so mark your calendars! If you live in NYC the show is on WABC Channel 7 at 10:00am, if you're in Seattle its on Kiro Channel 7 at 3:00pm. Or if you're somewhere else check out the website to find out when it airs in your city: